Know About Diarrhea in Children & its Symptoms
607 व्यूज़ | 08 Feb, 2024
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Dr. Sandeep is a renowned Pediatrician from Tamil Nadu.His special interests are Pediatric infectious diseases, Respiratory diseases, Pediatric Rheumatology...
Diarrhea is a common problem in children and it is important for parents to know about the different symptoms of diarrhea. It is an alternation of the
consistency and frequency of stool. More than 3 episodes of stool in a day is considered diarrhea. These stools are watery and there should be an increased
frequency of stools in patients. The common diarrhea symptoms are watery consistency of stools and number of episodes being more than 3 in a day. Ther...
consistency and frequency of stool. More than 3 episodes of stool in a day is considered diarrhea. These stools are watery and there should be an increased
frequency of stools in patients. The common diarrhea symptoms are watery consistency of stools and number of episodes being more than 3 in a day. Ther...
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