Overview of Sinus Infections
803 व्यूज़ | 24 Apr, 2023
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Dr. S. Gouripeddi is a leading Otolaryngologist and functions as the Head and Surgeon doctor of the ENT unit in Sri Venkateswara Medical College, Tirupati.
Sinusitis or sinus infection could be caused by factors like simple rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, or dental source. Other than this, fungal infections can also infect the
sinuses. In most cases, treatment of a week or two heals the condition, but if the infection persists for more than 4 weeks, it is referred to as chronic sinusitis.
Furthermore, the progression of sinusitis can also affect the eyes, cheeks, and brain; thus, it is necessary to seek medical consultancy. Dr. Srinivas Gouripe...
sinuses. In most cases, treatment of a week or two heals the condition, but if the infection persists for more than 4 weeks, it is referred to as chronic sinusitis.
Furthermore, the progression of sinusitis can also affect the eyes, cheeks, and brain; thus, it is necessary to seek medical consultancy. Dr. Srinivas Gouripe...
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