स्तन कैंसर के इन 8 रिस्क फैक्टर्स से हो जाएं सावधान!Cervical Cancer Prevention: Why Every Woman Needs the HPV VaccineWomen, Don't Skip This Test to Prevent Cervical Cancer!డైట్, ఫాస్టింగ్ ద్వారా క్యాన్సర్ క్యూర్ అవుతుందా? | Can Cancer Be Cured Through Diet and Fasting? | Telugu

Pancreatic Cancer: How Tumor Location Affects Diagnosis

768 व्यूज़ | 21 Nov, 2024

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This channel brings you vital insights and expert advice on fighting pancreatic cancer. We aim to empower you with knowledge on early signs, treatment op......


Pancreatic cancer is difficult to detect early, especially when it affects the body or tail of the pancreas, as symptoms often don't appear until significant
weight loss occurs. However, when the cancer is in the head of the pancreas, early detection is more likely due to symptoms like jaundice. This happens
because the tumour can compress the bile duct, leading to a blockage that causes yellowing of the skin and eyes. Early recognition is thus more feasible in ...


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