From Pregnancy to Parenthood: Navigating the Mental Health Shift in Women
690 व्यूज़ | 14 Jun, 2024
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Dr. T. S. Sathyanarayan Rao, Professor Emeritus and Chief Coordinator of the psychosexual program at JSS Medical College, Mysore. He is also the Head of ...
Women encounter distinct phases marked by significant mental health challenges, particularly during pregnancy and postpartum periods. The stress they
endure amplifies post-delivery, contributing to conditions like postpartum syndrome. Dr. T. S. Sathyanarayan Rao, Professor Emeritus and Chief Coordinator
of the Psychosexual Program at JSS Medical College, Mysore, provides insights into the mental health issues faced by women after giving birth.
endure amplifies post-delivery, contributing to conditions like postpartum syndrome. Dr. T. S. Sathyanarayan Rao, Professor Emeritus and Chief Coordinator
of the Psychosexual Program at JSS Medical College, Mysore, provides insights into the mental health issues faced by women after giving birth.
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