Guillain-Barre (Gee-Yah-Buh-Ray) Syndrome: Causes and Symptoms
847 व्यूज़ | 29 Mar, 2023
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Dr. Praveen Yadav is a Neurologist from Durgapur, West Bengal.
Guillain-Barre is a serious disorder in the neurological field that affects the nervous system of the human body. The patient feels weaknesses in the solid
muscles to maintain a regular life due to this syndrome. Facial muscle issues, swallowing issues along with harmful effects on the respiratory muscles have
been found as the symptoms of this syndrome. Certain infections such as bacterial or fungus infections are the major cause of damage to several organs a...
muscles to maintain a regular life due to this syndrome. Facial muscle issues, swallowing issues along with harmful effects on the respiratory muscles have
been found as the symptoms of this syndrome. Certain infections such as bacterial or fungus infections are the major cause of damage to several organs a...
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