Is It Possible to Prevent Complications Due to Diabetes?
841 व्यूज़ | 14 May, 2024
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Dr Vijay Viswanathan is a Diabetologist from Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Diabetes is a vascular disease and there are diverse complications associated with it. The macro-vascular disease affects the brain, the heart, and the blood
vessels that supply blood to the legs. The micro-vascular complications pertain to the retina, the heart, the nerves and the kidney. It is possible to prevent
these complications by controlling diabetes. Dr. Vijay Viswanathan, a diabetologist from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, discusses whether it is possible to prevent co...
vessels that supply blood to the legs. The micro-vascular complications pertain to the retina, the heart, the nerves and the kidney. It is possible to prevent
these complications by controlling diabetes. Dr. Vijay Viswanathan, a diabetologist from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, discusses whether it is possible to prevent co...
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