Chikungunya: Diagnosis and Treatment
679 व्यूज़ | 06 Feb, 2024
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Dr. Supriyo Pyne is an Internal Medicine Specialist from Hooghly, West Bengal.
The primary diagnosis of chikungunya includes the Elisa antibody test and RT-PCR. These have important diagnovaluesvalue. As far as the treatment of
chikungunya is concerned, it is not a very serious disease and therefore it may be treated as per its symptoms. For example, paracetamols are given for
fever. In case of arthritis patients, ibuprofen and higher antibiotics are given as per patient management. It is better not to manage chikungunya at home a...
chikungunya is concerned, it is not a very serious disease and therefore it may be treated as per its symptoms. For example, paracetamols are given for
fever. In case of arthritis patients, ibuprofen and higher antibiotics are given as per patient management. It is better not to manage chikungunya at home a...
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